Artificial Intelligence for American Industry

Bronco's mission is to rebuild the information layer of the American industrial base, bit by bit.


Rebuilding the Information Layer
Big IT doesn't have to be a necessary evil. Bronco is committed to transforming the world's legacy software into something good.
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0 to 1, then 1 to 100.
Bronco is at the frontier with Gen AI, doing things that have never been done before. Bronco moves fast to deliver value, and then iterates continuously so our customers can reach victory.
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Play the hand you're dealt.
Bronco doesn't shy away from antiquated and siloed industrial data. Bronco ships applications that don't assume any prerequisites and dedicates R&D towards making AI systems useful for companies of all data maturity levels.
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The buck stops here.
Bronco customers work hard enough running the companies that keep the world turning. The team works tirelessly to deliver them the wins they demand. Bronco is online, onsite and on call.


Gen AI, the Key Enabler
Generative AI will be the defining technology of the post-internet era. Harnessing it is up to you.


AI Principles

Bronco develops and deploys AI responsibly to its customers.

01  /  Trust but verify

Bronco builds trustworthy and auditable AI. No answer and no action happens without operators knowing why.

02  /  Precision > Spray and pray

Bronco deploys cutting edge generative AI in the highest-leverage places to deliver cold, hard ROI.

03  /  tailored to each customer

Bronco deploys AI systems with rich knowledge and predefined workflows specific to each customer.

04  /  low ego, always learning

Bronco is customer-first, not AI-first. Bronco's systems are always learning from real-world deployments and feedback.


Join Us
WORK on what matters

We are always looking for exceptional people to join us on the frontier. Our team includes ML researchers, distributed systems engineers, big data analysts, and former manufacturing C-Suite. We work across disciplines, get our hands dirty, and are laser-focused on delivering success to the people and firms we serve.