AI Procurement Agent
Scale Without Headcount


More Vendors, More Items, More Updates
Data is one of the biggest supply chain advantages a company can have, but gathering clean, timely data from a sprawling supply base is almost impossible.

AI enables forward-thinking supply chain and procurement teams to scale their efforts. Teams offload the mundane work of managing threads, going through attachments, and managing outreach to an AI that only surfaces the most pressing or confusing cases back to the humans.

The result is never-before-possible visibility that helps keep things on-time and on-budget in the day-to-day, and also arms teams with the data to do high-level tasks like strategic vendor selection or negotiations.


Onboarding Our AI
01— Define Tasks

Clients define routines and rulesets for the AI worker to follow in plain English or within our workflow builder.

Monitor – Set up staggered schedules for a human-sounding AI to check-in with suppliers so you always have updated info on costs, lead times, compliance regimes, and more.

React – Configure automatic alerting, logic, or manual-reviews so the AI can take scripted, controlled actions on your behalf or focus your attention onto the most important matters.

All that's needed for deployment is an inbox, a vendor-and-item list, and some past examples.

02— Deploy, Observe, Improve, Repeat.

The AI Procurement Agent is ready out-of-the-box with advanced data extraction, data manipulation (eg. unit conversion), and communication abilities.

Bronco's deployment strategy and success team helps clients identify the best vendor and item candidates for the rollout.

The AI will first undergo internal quality evaluations before live deployment, and then do a staggered roll-out to eventually encompass a large swath of the supplier-base.

Bronco is always improving AI and platform capabilities.

02— Deploy, Observe, Improve, Repeat.

The AI Procurement Agent is ready out-of-the-box with advanced data extraction, data manipulation (eg. unit conversion), and communication abilities.

Bronco's deployment strategy and success team helps clients identify the best vendor and item candidates for the rollout.

The AI will first undergo internal quality evaluations before live deployment, and then do a staggered roll-out to eventually encompass a large swath of the supplier-base.

Bronco is always improving AI and platform capabilities.


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